Put It Away
This training session incorporates the use of the video:
OUCH! That Stereotype Hurts©
Staying silent in the face of demeaning comments, stereotypes or bias allows these attitudes and behaviors to thrive. This undermines our ability to create an inclusive workplace where all employees are welcomed, treated with respect and able to do their best work. Yet most people who want to speak up don't know how..... so they say nothing.
This training program can help give your people the tools to speak up - without blame.
OUCH! That Stereotype Hurts can be used in any organization or group of people desiring to build and sustain a respectful and inclusive environment. This DVD/Video-based training program helps people build the confidence and skills to speak up when they hear stereotypes or other demeaning comments. Potential uses for OUCH! include training in the areas of:
Teamwork, Communication, Diversity and Inclusion, Coaching and Mentoring, Leadership Development
In a direct and powerful way, you will experience the impact of stereotypical comments, jokes and emails.
The program will help you explore why people don't speak up against stereotypes and other biased behaviors. In the last section, the program offers six techniques for speaking up without blame or guilt.
OUCH! Learning Objectives:
• Understand the impact of stereotypes and biased statements, even when casually said.
• Identify the most common reasons people sit silent in the face of bias and stereotypes.
• Enhance skills for speaking up against stereotypes without blame or guilt.
Why is OUCH important?
Have you ever heard someone say something biased or demeaning and you didn't know whether to speak up?
Have you ever said something unintentionally offensive and wished you could take it back?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, this video training program is for you.
OUCH! That Stereotype Hurts will help you gain the skills and confidence needed to successfully communicate in a diverse world.
We role play, work in groups, play games in the training that teach and reinforce what is taught in OUCH! So each employee will know what bias is, and how to avoid bias.
When you hear a disrespectful comment or joke, you have a choice:
Reinforce it by laughing or joining in. Tolerate it by saying nothing, which is what most people do. Or speak up and become an ally, the hardest thing of all.
Staying silent in the face of demeaning comments, stereotypes or bias allows these attitudes and behaviors to thrive.
This undermines our ability to create an inclusive workplace where all employees are welcomed, treated with respect and able to do their best work. Yet, most people who want to speak up don't know how. So, we say nothing.
As Daniel Goleman writes, "saying nothing serves to condone it (bias)." Biased, stereotypical, or otherwise demeaning
communication undermines morale, teamwork, and productivity.
It can drive customers away. It can cause a public relations fiasco (just ask Don Imus or Mel Gibson). So, what can you do to speak up against stereotypes? Just say ... Ouch!