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I put this together years ago for a project in my Bachlor's degree. If you would like to use it and need it in Word, Please contact me.
“To promote
life-long learning
A Handbook for Establishing
A Mentoring Program
© Dr. Tammy Sagastizado, PhD
Introduction Section
Section I.
Literature Review Page 3-12
Purpose of the Handbook Page 13
Purpose and Mission Statement Page 14
Goals and Objectives Page 15
This handbook is divided into four sections.
Section I. Introduction Pages Blue
Section II. Mentor Pages Yellow
Section III. School Pages Pink
Section IV. Additional White
and Forms
By Dr. Tammy Sagastizado, PhD ©
Section 1: Mentoring in America
Mentoring is a buzzword of the nineties. There are all types of mentoring programs available and every time one surfs the internet there are new sources accessible. Books, videos, TV ad's, and more are expounding the virtues of mentoring. What is mentoring then, that so many see it as a panacea to so many of society's ills?
Mentor was a character in The Odyssey, the epic poem of the wanderings of Odysseus by Homer. While Odysseus is absent, Mentor advises and gives encouragement to his son Telemachus.
Mentoring has a long history from that point on. "In the medieval times, young apprentices learned their craft from expert artisans. These guilds served as a kind of mentoring network. In the late 18th century, charitable societies took hold in many cities during the "friendly visiting" movement, an effort to cultivate uplifting relationships between middle-class volunteers and poor Americans." (Sommerfield, 1996, p.33)
Today's mentors do everything from tutoring children to advising new pastors and teachers.
Mentoring of Adults
In Webster's Dictionary a mentor is defined as "a wise and faithful advisor or teacher". (328) With this definition in mind, mentoring can be at any stage in a person's life. There are many programs that are geared to adults mentoring adults.
In the world of business there are mentors for new workers, advisors to CEO's, and all areas in between. In the August 1997 issue of Quality Digest, on human resource management and development, it says’ "few things have higher priority in managing transformational change than retaining key people and developing people for the future."(Breen, Gregerson, McCabe, Pecora, 40) The article then goes on to explain that to do so the company needs to set up a system to measure and listen to employees and although the "buzzword" mentoring is not used, that is the jest of the system. Other business publications have come out with their own versions of mentoring programs.
The church too, has realized the benefits of mentoring. Quoting from Luke 6:40 that says that, "everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher", Hendricks in his book, As Iron Sharpens Iron, encourages Christian men to find or to be mentors to other adult males. In that way, discipleship and growth will occur. (Hendricks, 1995, p.121+)
In the book Mentoring, by Tim Elmore, the focus is completely on discipleship. He says,
Beginning in 313 AD, when Emperor Constantine declared Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, Christians have chosen the easy route, by and large. The Christian faith became institutionalized. Parishes began to rely on the paid clergy to do this kind of ministry. The making of disciples, through relationships, came grinding to a slow crawl. Eventually, Christianity came to be associated with stained glass, impersonal worship services and institutions.
It would seem obvious that our refusal to engage in mentoring relationships(and discipleship’s) as a whole contributed to this paradigm. (21)
Section II. Mentoring in Education
Perhaps no where else has mentoring made such in roads than in the field of education. In a field where almost 50 percent of all new teachers resign or change to new areas within the first five years, the benefit of having an experienced veteran who can give support and encouragement is vital. Other benefits include improved teaching, discipline, and classroom management. (Ganser, 1996, p.36-39)
Another type of educational mentoring is that of Interdisciplinary teams. "Interestingly, the team teachers mostly were unaware of the explicit nature of this mentoring; perhaps this was a function of a deep engagement in daily classroom teaching that did not allow sufficient time for stepping back to think consciously and reflectively about what they were actually learning from each other."(Mills, Powell, 1994, p.24)
Mentoring of Children
Education has incorporated mentors and the mentoring of children in a variety of ways. In the January 1995, Education Digest, several questions are asked, "Do our children get enough science in school? Do they have enough opportunities to do experiments? How can we make science exciting for them?" (RiethJohmann, 1995, p.64) The school uses mentors and works through the PTA, to have an after school science club to encourage the study of science.
Other schools have spin-offs of the same concept. One school in Michigan uses High School art students to mentor grade school children in art. (Morrison, Smith, 1991, p.46-52) Parents are incorporated in another school as research specialists in order to help students "at critical points in their research assignments."(Yoshina, 1996, 26) Nationally, the FFA Organization is encouraging the use of High School FFA members to be paired with elementary students. Using "the natural interest of young people in animals and plants would serve as a catalyst through which an educational component of the program could be delivered." (Gagnon, 1991, p.35)
Telementoring too, is growing in popularity, and on many levels. (Harris, O'Bryan, Rotenberg, 1996, p.53-57)
Even at alternative high schools (Youth) and schools for the homeless, (Gardner, 1997, p.21) mentoring programs have been implemented and have had an impact on the student, as well as the mentor.
Section III. Mentoring At-Risk Children
"In the past, mentoring happened everywhere. On the farm, a boy or a girl was mentored alongside of mothers and fathers and extended family members. From the earliest years, these mentors gave children a sense of 'maleness' and 'femaleness' and taught them what work was all about and how it was done, what character meant, and what were the duties and obligations of each member of the community."(Hendricks, 1995, p.120)
Today, traditional two-parent families are in a serious state of decline. Although the experts can't agree as to the cause, they do agree that children's welfare is seriously suffering from this development. Of course, the families with the least resources and support systems are the ones suffering the most.
Appropriate role models are necessary for children, particularly during adolescence. Yet, in 1989, more than half of all black children, almost one-third of Hispanic children, and about 20 percent of white children lived in single-parent families. The median two-parent family income was $43,578, as opposed to $9,272 for a never married single-parent family. An even more urgent problem is the increasing number of zero-parent children, concentrated in inner cities, where single mothers are becoming crack addicts, going to jail, or leaving their children for other reasons. These children now make up about 9 percent of all children. (Bradshaw, 1995, p.146)
Yet there is hope, for as President Clinton said, "People who grew up in difficult circumstances and yet are successful have one thing in common… at a critical junction in their early adolescence they had a positive relationship with a caring adult."(About, 1998, p.1)
A Big Brothers/Big sisters of America 1995 Impact Study showed that young people with mentors were:
* 46% less likely to begin using illegal drugs.
* 27% less likely to begin using alcohol.
* 53% less likely to skip school.
* 37% less likely to skip a class.
* 33% less likely to hit someone, than children in the research control groups. (About, 1998, p.1)
Finding Mentors
"Currently, 75 percent of mothers with school age children are employed,(Strom, 1995, p.48) so where are the mentors to come from?
"Today’s grandparents are more healthy, better educated, and have more free time than preceding generations. They are an abundant and growing natural resource. In fact, the 55 million American grandparents already outnumber the 46 million elementary and secondary school students." (Strom, 1995, p.48)
The business community too, is an often overlooked segment of volunteerism in society because of the misconception that "business executives are so busy staying lean, mean, and number one that they rarely have a moment to relax, let alone volunteer for community service. True? Hardly, according to new research from the Harvard Business School that suggests that most U.S. executives have made volunteering an integral part of their lives. Moreover, according to the research, executives volunteer for a good reason. Not only do many find it personally satisfying, but such participation also allows them to practice business skills and make professional contacts in ways not always possible through their everyday duties."(Ross, 1997, p.14)
Corporate partnerships have become common too, with employers allowing employees to volunteer at the school during company time. Not only are mentors provided to the children, but so are opportunities to learn firsthand about the world of business. (Eisler, 1996, p.46)
"When employers encourage employees to support education, a win-win situation is established. Employers win by helping prepare a highly skilled, globally competitive workforce; employees win by making positive differences in children's education; schools win from increased parental and community involvement; students win from better education." (Riley, 1996, P.6)
"Each of us can look back in our lives and point to a special person who believed in us, an adult we looked up to, a friend, a mentor. A mentor is any caring adult who builds a relationship with a child, not his or her own, who helps that child work toward success in life." (Difference) As the mentor helps the child, the mentor is in turn rewarded with the joy and pride of sharing the hopes and dreams of a child and being a part of helping them to come true. This is the win-win relationship of mentoring.
Works Cited
"About Mentoring." Faq. (1998): 1-3. Online. Internet. Available.
http.//www. mentoring.org/mentoring. Jan. 6, 1998.
Bradshaw, Russell. "All-black schools provide role models:
Is this the solution? Clearing House. Vol. 68, No. 3 (1995) :146-150.
Breen, Ken., Gregerson, Dave., McCabe, Tom., and Pecora, Gerry.
"A New Direction: Integrated Management Systems." Quality Digest. Aug. 1997: 36-41.
"The difference is you." Children First. n.p. (1998) N. pag.
Eisler, Dale. "Corporate volunteers in the classroom." Maclean's. Jul. 1996:46.
Elmore, Tim. Mentoring. Wesleyan Pub. House and Kingdom. 1995. 21.
Gagnon, Dean. "Ag Ed begins mentor program." Vocational Education Journal.
Vol. 66. Mar. (1991) :35-36.
Ganser, Tom. "What do mentors say about mentoring?"
Journal of Staff Development. Vol. 17, No. 3. Summer 1996: 36-39.
Gardner, Bonnie. "There's no place called home."
NEAToday. Vol. 16, No. 2. Sept. (1997): 21.
Harris, Judie., O'Bryan, Ellen., and Rotenberg, Lena.
"It's a simple idea, but it's not easy to do."
Learning and Leading with Technology. Vol. 24. Oct. 1996: 53-57.
Hendricks, Howard G.
As Iron Sharpens Iron: BuildingCharacter in a Mentor.
Chicago: Moody Press, 1995.120-159.
"Mentor." Webster's New Ideal Dictionary. 3rd ed: 1978
Mills, Rebecca., and Powell, Richard R.
"Five Types of Mentoring Build Knowledge on Interdisciplinary Teams."
Middle School Journal. Nov. 1994: 24-30.
Morrison, David G., and Smith, Patricia.
"Mentoring in Art Education." School Arts. Sept. (1991): 46-52.
Rieth, Elizebeth J., and Johmann, Carol A.
"After-School Hands-On Science." Education Digest. Jan. 1995: 64-66.
Riley, Richard W. "Investing in Families and Education."
Teaching PreK-8. Vol. 26, No. 6. Mar. (1996): 6-7.
Ross, Judith A.
"Community Service: More rewarding than you think. "
Harvard Business Review. Jul-Aug. 1996:46.
Sommerfield, Meg. "Ancient Advice."
Education Week. Feb. 7 1996: 33-35.
Strom, Robert and Shirley.
"Grandparent volunteers and Education."
Education Digest. Nov. 1995: 48-52.
Yoshina, Joan. "Parents as Research Mentors."
SchoolLibrary Media Activities Monthly.
Vol. 13, No. 4. Dec. 1996: 26-27.
"Youth Challenge Program." Thunderbird Youth Academy.
(1998) N.pag.
The classical mentor in Western culture is a teacher named “Mentor,” who guided Odysseus's son Telemachus on his legendary journey to become an adult. Other more commonplace mentors have been less powerful and divine but probably heroic in their efforts. They have offered support, guidance and concrete assistance to your people with less experience as they go through difficult periods, perform difficult tasks or solve significant problems.
Realizing the impact that a Mentoring Program can have on the children of [School], [School or Business] has chosen to implement a Mentor Program. To aid in the development of this program the district has developed a Mentor Handbook, as a resource manual, to be used by the educator and the mentor in establishing the program.
The Handbook's major goal is to establish a means of providing help, support and guidance for students needing the expertise of a caring adult.
The major objectives of the handbook will emphasize three specific areas:
The goals and objectives of the program.
The role and responsibilities of the mentor in the program.
The role and responsibilities of the school in the program.
Mentor Section
The Mentor As A FRIEND will strive to:
Meet with the student on a regular basis on school grounds.
Illustrate a warm and caring attitude toward the student.
Listen to the student.
The Mentor As A ROLE-MODEL will strive to:
Act as apositive influence.
The Mentor As A MOTIVATOR will strive to:
Nurture self-esteem within the student.
Help the student set and work toward goals.
Give constructive feedback through positive reinforcement.
The Mentor As A will strive to:
Share information, knowledge, and skills.
Support and participate in the learning process.
Work with the student to find alternative ways of solving problems and searching for answers.
The Mentor As An EDUCATIONAL ADVOCATE will strive to
Prevent a student from dropping out.
Acquaint the student with the world of work, the importance of self-reliance, and possible career training.
Support the school in the educational process.
Provide extra educational help in a specific subject where improvement is needed.
The mentoring relationship can best be described as a relationship between a committed, caring, experienced adult and an inexperienced, young person who lacks direction and focus. Through the guidance and counsel of a thoughtful adult, the young person receives selective attention and inspiration. Where there has been a lack of success in school, feelings of achievement may begin; where there has been no joy of learning, the excitement of discovery may be stimulated; where there has been no future goal. ambition and aspiration are new desires; and where the strain of poverty has been stifling, education becomes an awakening to a better life.
Fostering A Child’s Development
Developing A Child’s Self-esteem
Helping A Child Set And Reach his/her Goals
Encouraging A Child• Listening And Communicating
Sharing Your Time, Talents, And Yourself With Others
Showing A Child Someone Cares
Being A Friend, A Role Model, And A Teacher
Showing That Self-Sufficiency Is A Way Of Life
Re-Enforcing Educational Goals And Helping A Student Strive For Academic Improvement
Giving Back To The Community
Helping A Student Look Into the World of Work and Realize What Preparation is Needed For Them To Enter
Mentor Selection Process
Who Can Be A Mentor
Anyone can be a mentor!! However, to be an effective mentor you must have certain characteristics and interests. The effective mentor is one who:
Caresabout young people and their future.
Communicatesand innovateseffectively.
Listens, does not judge.
Suggestsand guides.
Commits timeto the protégé and the program.
Gives and shares.
Adapts to different situations, feelings, and growth patterns a child experiences. If one feels he/she has these traits, then he/she is ready to begin the process of becoming a mentor.
Step I Fill out a brief mentor application and release of information form (See example of forms in section four). Application may be obtained through the [Name of School or Business] System.
Step II Meet with a representative of the mentoring program. During this orientation meeting the applicant may ask and respond to questions, share ideas, and receive helpful information about mentoring.
Step III Once references are received and if approved the applicant will receive notification of acceptance.
Step IV After the orientation meeting and program qualifications have been met the mentor will receive needed school information, etc. and be matched up with a protégé.
Step V Follow-up share and training meetings will be held periodically.
Review of Procedure:
1. Submit application
2. Orientation meeting
3. References received
4. School assignment
5. School orientation
6. Protégé assigned
7. Work with student begins
8. Follow-up meetings
Educators will find their students are in need of mentors qualified in one or more of three particular areas. These areas are the Role-Model/Friend, the Career-Oriented Mentor and the Tutor. The emphasis may vary throughout the program.
ROLE-MODEL/FRIENDThis mentor is one who works on self-esteem, improving skills providing cultural enrichment, helping set goals, and expanding the student’s knowledge of the world and the need for self-reliance as an adult in that world.
CAREER-ORIENTED MENTORThis mentor is one who strives to show the relationship between the student’s school subjects and the world of work. The mentor guides the student into career-related skills and acquaints the student with future vocational education possibilities.
TUTOR/MENTORThis mentor is one who can offer his/her talents in tutoring by helping a student in a specific subject, assignment or project.
The tutor/mentor should be aware that:
The tutor/mentor must use PRAISE effectively.
The tutor is there to help raise grades and help the student with attitude, self-confidence and pride.
Close contact with the student’s teachers and counselors is necessary.
The tutor/mentor should not be afraid to try different teaching styles and approaches.
Learning should be fun.
Don’t become discouraged, because improvement may be slow.
Mentor/Protégé Relationship
Effort will be made by all parties involved to select the best possible mentor-protégé match. The school will have a copy of the mentor’s application and will match the mentor to the protégé on as many similarities as possible. The match will be made on such factors as location, interests, skills, background. Need, knowledge, and temperament of both child and the mentor.
A successful match will be one built on trust, understanding, communication, and a realization that bonding takes time.
We must also be realistic. If a match is not working out the school contact person should be approached. All parties involved will meet. This meeting may allow quality change which will allow the match to progress on schedule, or it will be a time when the match may be severed in a positive way.
Possible reasons for severing a match:
Poor attendance at mentor/protégé meetings.
A good relationship has not formed.
Poor discipline.
Health problems.
Not following the rules and guidelines of the program.
Transfer of student/mentor - out of District.
Other reasons for severing a match should be addressed as they arise.
Retain control and oversee the complete program. Match protégés and mentors, organize and work with staff and administration, preside over orientation, and retain records. Provide application forms, obtain letters of recommendation, conduct interviews, introduce mentors into the school, and organize periodic mentor meetings.
Recruit mentors, help conduct orientation, help introduce mentors into the school, and act as liaison between the mentors and the schools.
Program Information
1. Program goals
2. Mentor goals and expectations
3. Paperwork
4. School contact people
5. Future meetings
School Information
1. Age of student, grade, and teacher of student
2. Characteristics of the elementary student
3. Culture, socioeconomic level, and background of the student
4. Problems facing student
5. Academic - social growth
Mentor Information
1. Learning names
2. Being on time/good attendance
3. Following teacher’s and school’s rules
4. Being a friend, not a parent
5. Keeping confidences
6. Reporting abuse or possible abuse
7. Avoid religious or political beliefs
8. Planning for each session with the protégé
9. Reporting absenteeism
10. Severing a mentor/protégé relationship
11. Giving gifts to protégé
12. Bonding, (positive and negative)
Do appreciate any growth.
Do listen.
Do praise the child when deserved.
Do communicate.
Do remember to be punctual.
Do remember to be a good role-model.
Do meet with student on school grounds in an open area.
Do show that you recognize the student’s values and lifestyles.
Do follow the rules of the school and the mentor program.
Do guide - show - ask.
Do show attention and concern. Be a friend.
Do strive for mutual respect.
Do be honest.
Do say when the match is working or not.
Don’t allow students to talk you into things that you know are against the rules.
Don’t try to be a parent.
Don’t meet with student off school grounds.
Don’t forget communication means listening, too.
Don’t be late and disappoint a child who is counting on you.
Don’t exhibit poor language, (written or oral) or dress inappropriately.
Don’t forget that confidence is built on trust.
Don’t try to inflict your beliefs or values on a student. Demonstrate your values.
Don’t settle for rudeness or foul language.
Don’t punish.
Don’t think a child can’t spot insincerity.
Don’t let a bad situation grow where a good one can be.
Don’t think you are going to change the world overnight.
Don’t judge the child/family.
Characteristics Of A Protégé
To better work with a student it is essential that the mentor understand that the protégé could exhibit some of the following characteristics.
The Protégé May:
Be energetic one minute and daydreaming the next
Vary in size, shape, strength and ability
Be highly emotional
Have feelings easily hurt
Be very self-conscious
Be eager to prove themselves
Like solitude and privacy, but need to belong
Have a strong need to explore subjects and the world
Be impulsive, risk taking, thrill seeking
Be confused about identity and sexuality
Start a task with great enthusiasm, but never finish it
Want privileges and responsibilities
Want to know what the rules and limits are within the system
Be very social and want to be involved in special events and happenings
Have varying degrees of attention span
Range from immature to very mature in physical and emotional areas
Practice confidentiality. If the mentor feels a student is being abused, using alcohol or drugs, or is in a situation that may be harmful to the student, the mentor should contact the student’s counselor and share his/her concerns. (The law requires that abuse be reported). The mentor should not try to solve the problem, but should seek help from within the school. Confidentiality will be maintained. The well-being of the protégé should be the major concern.
Drugs and alcohol use/abuse
Physical, sexual, and emotional abuse
Sexual development and behavior
Peer pressure
The Streets
Academic Failure and
Family Problems Including:
Single Parent
High Mobility
Extended Families
Studies have shown that students learn more from adults when they feel the adult cares and is serious about how they feel and think.The basis of showing care and concern can come through good communications skills.
COMMUNICATION - agiving or exchanging of information, signals, or messages as by talk, gestures, or writing. (Webster’s New World Dictionary, 3 edition, 1988).
Verbal Communication
• Speak to the child on his level.
• Be an example to the child through good grammar skills, both verbal and written.
• Choose an appropriate sound level for the situation.
• Focus in on the student when talking.
• Do not say things or ask questions that can cut lines of communication.
Non-verbal Communication (Body Language)
• Be aware that our bodies talk and show our feelings. Note body gestures on your part and the student’s part; analyze what they might mean.
• Positive body language responses are good eye contact, nodding head, positive facial expressions, unfolded arms, a smile.
• Negative body language responses are crossed legs, slouching, arms crossed over chest, poor eye contact, showing unconcern.
• Remember communication is a two-way street - speaking and listening.
• Listen for meaning - You may even repeat back what the student has said to show that you do understand.
• Focus in on the student as he/she speaks.
• Ask questions or make comments to show you are interested.
• Learn to be quiet at the right times, too.
Below you will find some techniques that may help you start a dialogue between you and your student. These will also ensure that you understand what your student is telling you.
Encouraging Dialogue:
Invite the student to talk.
“Would you like to talk about it?”
“I’ll listen whenever you want to talk.”
Acknowledge student’s feelings.
“You seem (upset, sad, happy) about something.”
“You don’t seem to feel well.’
If You Feel You Need More Information:
Draw out the student.
“How would you do that?’
“Can you share why you did that?”
“What do you like (most, least) about this?”
“Could you tell me more?”
“How does that make you feel?”
Listening Without Giving Approval or Offering Solutions:
Ask leading questions that encourage the student to think.
“What would happen if you did that?”
“What do you think you could do in this situation?”
“What’s the (best. worst) that could happen?”
“How would you handle this situation?”
“How would you feel?”
Respond neutral. Do not approve or disapprove.
“That’s one way.
What’s another?”
“How would your (best friend, parents, teacher) react?”
“What do you think is the best way to handle this?”
Ensuring That You Understand What Is Said or Felt:
Restate what the student said in your own words.
“Did you mean that...”
“What I heard you say...”
“Do you think that...”
Look for clues. Check:
Tone of voice.
Facial expression.
Body language.Gestures.
When the Conversation Stops Abruptly:
Review your actions. Did you:
Change the subject?
Indicate disapproval or dislike by your facial expression or body language?
Misread how the student felt?
Respond to how the student felt?
One of the most important meetings the mentor/protégé will have is the first one. This is a critical meeting and may set the mood for ones to follow. It is important to get off to a good start. Following are some suggestions a mentor might consider to ensure a successful relationship.
1. Have the student take you on a tour of the building and introduce you to teachers who are not in class at that time.
2. Ask leading questions like: What would you do if you just won $1,000,000.00? If you were suddenly 21 years old what would you do?
3. Tell about yourself and share something special with the student.
4. Use the student profile sheet as a resource tool.
Discuss what kind of things you can do together.
1. Bring agame you might both enjoy.
2. Read amagazine article or look for books while visiting the school library.
3. Some topics for discussion are music, fashion, sports, hobbies, family, movies, travel, school, friends, favorite things, favorite subjects, and teachers.
4. At later meetings get input from the student as to how you may help.
5. Shoot baskets, play 4 square, throw a football, play board or computer games. Check on other resources such as: Art Room, Computer Lab, and Gym. Check with the counselor.
6. Help with special projects as they are assigned. (Social studies reports, science fair projects, art projects, etc.)
7. Assist the student in academic areas, study and organizational skills, and time management. (Use this idea as time goes on).
8. If you collect something, bring it.
Sharing information has been and will always be an effective way of improving any program. To ensure the program’s success informal meetings will be scheduled.
PROGRAM MEETINGS Meetings are designed to give mentors feedback about the program; to ensure a continuous flow of information; to provide a setting for guest lecturers and school personnel to disseminate educational information; and a time for mentors to share experiences with each other.Meetings will be held periodically. Attendance at these meetings is not mandatory, but each mentor is encouraged to attend.
Within the school setting the mentor may schedule a meeting with the school’s counselor/contact person to obtain or disseminate information. The mentor may also be afforded the chance to attend special events, assemblies, or meetings when invited by the assigned school.
REMEMBER: Communication is a must between the mentor and the protégé, but equally important is good communication between the mentor and the program personnel.
School Section
There are many people who play an important role in the mentoring process. However, one of the most important is the teacher. Without the support of the teacher the program can not and will not function effectively. It is mandatory that the teacher and school personnel be informed of the program and their role in it. A short orientation meeting is suggested at the beginning of the school year.The following is a suggested agenda for an orientation meeting with teachers and school personnel. (The background information, necessary for the meeting, can be obtained from the Program Handbook).
I. Define the Program
A. Goals and Philosophy
B. Policies and Guidelines
C. Structure and Format
II. Recruiting Mentors
A. Characteristics of a mentor
B. Mentor selection process
III. Student Qualification
A. Eligibility
B. Student selection (teacher and counselor input)
IV. Student/Mentor Schedule
A.Length ofmentor/student meeting(1 hour per week, for theyear)
B. Teacher having the option of saying no to the student being released for the period (final exam, tests, special events, etc.)
V. Evaluating Program
A. Analysis of the process
B. Evaluation of impact on students
VI. Questions & Answers
Retain control and oversee the complete program. Match protégés and mentors, organize and work with staff and administration, preside over orientation, and retain records. Provide application forms, obtain letters of recommendation, conduct interviews, introduce mentors into the school, and organize periodic mentor meetings.
1. Oversee the mentor program at the school level.
2. Become acquainted with the mentor handbook and program.
3. Work in conjunction with the teachers in selecting students for the program.
4. Choose a site(s) for the mentor/protégé to meet within the school.
5. Inform the mentor of the protégé’s needs and background.
6. Disseminate and retain the necessary mentor program paperwork and forms.
7. Help conduct orientation meetings for mentors.
8. Relay program information to mentors, students, parents, school community, staff, and principal.
9. Attend training session and meetings as scheduled by the district.
10. Keep year-long communication going with mentor, student, and teacher to ensure program success.
11. Consult with the volunteer coordinator regarding concerns about mentor(s).
12. Participate in the program evaluation.
Recruit mentors, help conduct orientation, introduce mentors into the school, and act as liaison between the mentors and the schools.
1. Become acquainted with the mentor handbook and program.
2. Attend training session and meetings as scheduled by the school.
3. Help conduct orientation meetings for mentors.
4 Aid in setting up session times for the mentor/student and inform student’s teachers of time.
5 Keep year-long communication going with mentor, student, and teacher to ensure program success.
6. Help in severing unsuccessful mentor/protégé relationships.
7. Participate in the program evaluation.
Protégé Selection Process
When considering young people for the mentor program, top priority should be given to involve the ones who could benefit most from a mentor relationship. Students who are not perceived to be good candidates for success and who are often excluded from traditional school-community partnership programs are the very ones who could benefit from a mentor program. However, care should be taken to ensure that the program is not perceived as being exclusively for poor or troubled youth. This is especially true for a school-based program where students may run the risk of being singled out if they participate.
The selection process should allow input from all teachers. A short information form will be completed by the selection committee and returned to the contact person. This form is titled “Protégé Identification and Referral Form.” (M.P.l) and is found in Section IV of the handbook.It is recommended that the school start with a small number of mentor/protégé matches. This will make the program more manageable. More mentors will be added as the year progresses.For record-keeping purposes all referrals must go through the program coordinator. Students should never be referred directly to the mentor.
Once a student is selected he/she should be brought in by the contact person and acquainted with the program. The student should take home for completion:
1. The letter to parents/consent form (M.P.2)
2. Mentor program pamphlet
The mentoring process CANNOT continue without the
completed parent form having been returned to the program coordinator.
The student will complete the following forms in the program coordinator's office.
1. Student contract (Form M.P.3)
2. Student profile (Form M.P.4)
NOTE: Discuss each handout with the student. Copies of these forms are found in Section IV of this handbook.
MENTORORIENTATION The program and volunteer coordinators should conduct the orientation meeting at the school site.
ELEMENTS OF MENTOR ORIENTATION AT THE SCHOOL SITE1. Welcome mentors and introduce key people.
2. Discuss school handbook/school policies.
3. Discuss emergency procedures (fire, disaster, injury, illness).
4. Establish procedure for the mentor to sign-in and secure the students at the school site.
5. Relay important dates for the school year (holidays, spring break, conferences, etc.)
6. Share bell schedule, lunch time, planning periods, length of day.
7. Obtain from the mentor possible times when they will be available to meet during the day and week with their protégé.
8. Give map of building
9. Tour building - specifically look for mentor/protégé meeting sites.
10. Introduce office staff and other personnel.
11. Review guidelines for meeting with students - alwayson school grounds in an openarea.
PROTEGEORIENTATIONNOTE: The student, at this point, has already been chosen and notified of participation in the program.
1. Reaffirm goals, policies, procedures of the program.
2. Review guidelines.
3. Review protégé contract, if used.
PARENT/GUARDIAN NOTE: No formal orientation is required unless parent requests.
1. Send parent/guardian the letter (M.P.2) and the mentor brochure.
2. Direct questions to the contact person.
3. Verify return of contract and send home information as needed.
The school will arrange a time for the student and mentor to meet. Classes where a student may miss a day and resume easily the following day may be considered as a possible pull-out class. The coordinator should consider the mentor’s, teacher’s, and student’s schedule when determining the time the mentor and protégé will meet.The mentor/protégé should realize that some assignments, projects, and tests require the student be in class for that period. Both should realize their meetings may be made up at another time that week, or may resume the following week.
The staff and all school personnel should be encouraged to extend a warm, friendly hand to each mentor assigned to the building. Informal discussions and invitations should be encouraged to establish important lines of communication between the mentor and the staff. The school should strive to make the mentor feel a part of the total program.Within the school setting the mentor and coordinator may schedule conferences on a regular, or as needed basis. The protégé’s teachers should be encouraged, when possible, to periodically attend these conferences for the purpose of sharing pertinent information.
Additional Information and Forms Section
Student’s Name__________________________________________Date______________
Male___________Female___________Ethnic Origin____________________
Extroverted_____________ Introverted______________
Protégé Needs: (Check all that apply)
Academic Social
Activity/Work Career/Job Information
Other (specify) Self-Image Enhancement
Protégé Interests: (Check all that apply)
Sports Music Career
Art Dance Other
Number of times student repeated a grade (if any)_________
Grades repeated (if any)__________
Present academic status (overall average)___________
Subjects student is having difficulty in at present time (if any)
1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________
Attendance: Excellent _____Good _____ Fair _____ Poor _____
Special Notes/Needs:
Information compiled by:
Team/Teachers Program Coordinator
Mentor assigned to student Date
Date and time the mentor will meet:
Letter to Parents/Consent Form
Dear Parents:
We are pleased to inform you that your child has been recommended for participation in the “Mentoring for Success” Program. This program is designed to match approved adults with students who can benefit from a mentor program. When matched, the mentor and the student will work together during school time and in the school setting for one hour per week. The mentor will strive to help your child in areas such as: grades, attendance, attitudes, special projects, setting goals, self-esteem, and exploring the world of work.
To participate in the program, youand your child must agree that:
1. Your child will keep all appointments with the mentor.
2. Your child will attend all planned activities.
3. Your child will complete all paperwork associated with the program.
4. Your child will abide by the rules and regulations of the school.
Parents are asked to support the program by agreeing to:
1. Talk with your child about the mentoring program.
2. Communicate with your child’s school counselor if you have any concerns regarding the program or your child’s relationship with the mentor.
School counselor
Date School Phone Number
Tear off and return the section below to your school Coordinator
Student’s Name Grade Date
_____ I hereby give permission for my child to participate in the Mentor Program.
_____ I do not wish for my child to participate in the Mentor Program.
I understand that personal liability while on the mentorship assignment is the responsibility of the student and parent. [Name of School or Business], the Mentor, and Volunteer Coordinator are hereby released from responsibility and will not be held responsible in case of accident or injury during the activities of the “Mentoring for Success” Program.
Parent/Guardian Signature Address
Student Signature Work Number Home Number
I,_________________________agree to participate in the USD 436
“Mentoring for Success” Program and agree to:
1. Meet with my mentor once a week.
2. Talk about mentoring activities with my parents and my school counselor.
3. Attend all required program activities.
4. Communicate with the school counselor if I feel uncomfortable or experience problems during the program.
5. Abide by the rules and regulations of the school and the program.
Student Signature
Return this form to the program coordinator.
Form M.P.3
Student’s Name_____________________________
Grade _____ Age ____
How many brothers_____ sisters _____ in your family?
T.V Shows__________________________________________________________________
School Subject(s)_________________________________________________________
Hardest School Subject(s)_________________________________________________________
If I have some free time I like to____________________________________________________
I like to read about______________________________________________________________
My pets are____________________________________________________________________
Sometimes I like to talk about_____________________________________________________
The person I admire most is_______________________________________________________
If I could change one thing about myself I would change________________________________
When I grow up I want to be_______________________________________________________
Three jobs I want to know more about are (1)_________________________________________
Last First MI
City State Zip
Phone Home: ( ) Phone Work: (__)_________________
Age:____________ Sex:_____M _____F
Employer:____________________ Address:___________________________
Education, Training, Work Experience:____________________________
Languages, Special Skills, etc.:_________________________________
Interests (Hobbies, sports, etc.):_______________________________
Volunteer Experience:____________________________________________
Health Restrictions:_____No ______Yes(Please Explain)_________________________
Would you mentor more than one student at a time:____Yes____No
How did you hear about the program?:_____________________________
Please supply us with two references:
Name_________________________ Name_________________________
Address______________________ Address______________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
City, State, Zip City, State, Zip
Phone ( ) Phone ( ) _________________
Please list anyone else whom you feel would consider being a mentor to a student:
Name_________________________ Name_________________________
Address______________________ Address______________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
City, State, Zip City, State, Zip
Phone ( ) Phone ( ) _________FORM M.P.5I.
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 or other applicable law, I hereby authorize and consent to the release of information and records bearing on my personal history, arrest, and convictions., if any. Upon request, a copy of this signed statement may be furnished to the school, present or former employer, criminal justice agency, or other person furnishing such information or record. This information will be used for the purpose of determining your eligibility as a participant with the [Name of School or Business] “Mentoring for Success” Program.
NAME (PRINT):____________________________________________________
PLACE OF BIRTH:__________________________________________________
DATE OF BIRTH:___________________________________________________