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Put It Away
My BLog

Feb 24, 20191 min read
Washington State
We moved to Washington state in the summer of 2018. I simply cannot believe the beauty that I see again and again. Each state and region...
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Jul 12, 20183 min read
Dear Reader
Dear reader, Let’s talk. Talk the only way you and I can actually talk. I’ll speak, you listen. You don’t know me yet, but you will. It...
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Feb 2, 20183 min read
Yea! Catching up blog...a start! Sagastizado's 2017
Wow! I know...I know. I have been negligent in updating this blog. But a new year brings new goals. So let's start by catching up a bit....
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Jun 25, 20163 min read
What a year it has been!
Oh my goodness. It has been over a year since I blogged, and what a year it has been. Three new grandchildren have been born, Tony and...
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Apr 22, 20151 min read
Mud, Mud. Spring is here!
What an absolutely beautiful Spring we are having. Oklahoma turns brown in the winter. The grass is brown, the trees are brown and...
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Apr 22, 20151 min read
The difference in how a Dad and a Mom dress the girls.
My son Douglas, and his wife Ary have two sweet little girls. First, are the pictures Ary sent me of the girls in the Easter dresses she...
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Feb 13, 20152 min read
Using Leftovers.
With 9 children and various in-laws and friends over all the time...I cook a lot. However, day-to-day, I do not always know how many will...
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Feb 5, 20155 min read
Tony and Colette's Wedding
Wow. Has it been since November that I last wrote? At that time, we were in California, headed home after Tony and Colette’s wedding in...
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Nov 12, 20142 min read
In the Redwood Forest...
This is Agate Beach in Northern California off the Redwood Forest Highway. Incredible! We had to hike down all the way, then hike back up...
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Oct 30, 20143 min read
Get a mirror-- look at your rear...
Okay everyone. I have blogged about this before, but no one seems to be listening. I have attended two different conferences recently,...
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Oct 25, 20142 min read
A wedding to get ready for...
Now, I am getting ready for Tony and Colette's wedding. I am cooking for 200 one night and 50 the next day, but this will be in...
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Oct 25, 20143 min read
The roller coaster called life.
Oh my goodness. It has been months since I blogged, but my life took me on a roller coaster ride and it hasn’t paused long enough for me...
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Oct 25, 201410 min read
My mom is gone.
Now, when we went to Padre Island, I asked my friend, Kathy, to come stay with my mom. She had been slowly going downhill all year, but...
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Oct 25, 20143 min read
A joyful moment.
After my mom’s death, I was really surprised by how much I missed her. When my father passed away it was such a relief as he had had...
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Aug 1, 20141 min read
Working in the garden...
Papi made us all go down to the garden one evening this past week. We all complained and didn't want to go, but then when we got there...
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Jul 29, 20141 min read
My mom's new friend.
Here is my Mom with Gandalf. Gandalf is Matthew and Ashley's cat and is very playful and loving. As Ashley is expecting right now, Felipe...
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Jul 28, 20141 min read
Canning peaches and more, food from the garden.
Watermelon and pineapple fruit basket that Rebeca made. This summer, we have had watermelon, corn, tomatoes, new potatoes, and onions...
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Jul 5, 20141 min read
Outside projects...a beautiful summer.
This garden and steps were a horrible mess. We redid them and they came out much better. I also made the herb gardens around the patio...
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Jul 5, 20141 min read
Geese, a zip line, and yummy stuff from the garden.
This is the entrance to the vegetable garden. The vines are grapes. The trees are pear, plum, nectarine, peach, and apple. We have two...
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Jul 4, 20143 min read
Finally...Tammy blogs again...pure happiness...
Oh my goodness. It has been months since I have written anything at all. How is it that someone can be that busy. I still am doing all...
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