Put It Away
On the way out to Arizona, on our last trip, we had stopped at a Stuckey’s travel center in Adrian, Texas. Right off the I-40 near the New Mexico border. For the past 8 years they have taped butcher- paper to the walls of the stalls in their bathrooms. At the top of each sheet, it says: Tell us about your trip.
The comments on the paper are heart-warming, happy, sad, exciting, human, and more. They are funny, inspirational, and some bring a tear.
Thousands travel all over America-- on their way to vacations, to pick up loved ones, to bury loved ones, moving to a new job, going off to college, etc.
They are a kaleidoscope of the life we live and endure. I asked the owners if I could bring some sheets home and put them on my Website. They so graciously allowed me to do so.
Below are some of the comments, and then as they send me more, I will add those, too.
Hopefully, as people become aware of the site, they will send photos of themselves, let us know how their trip turned out, and share their travels with us.
I just wanted to add a really neat video about America:
Flying Over America
Yessian Music has taken flight yet again...this time over America, in its latest installation in Shenzhen, China via Super 78 and directed by Brent Young.Music by: Yessian MusicComposer: Dan Z...