Put It Away
Just to give you an idea of what a PhD - mother of nine- born organized- business woman likes to think and write about. Sorry for the goobly gook, but I had to write at a "scholarly" level....I do plan to put this all in plain English....someday in a book...
Strategies for Systematic Improvement with regard to Training and Development.
A Systems View of Home Management
How the metaphor's of Morgan compare to Organizational Theory applied to the Home Organization.
Motivational Leadership: For Business and for the Home
Effective Communication, Leadership, and Gender Barriers.
Conflict Resolution Theory: A View of the Home Organization
Theories of Human Nature: A Personal Philosophy
Of course, one's dissertation is the culmination of the PhD experience...here is mine... it has adult learning theory, marginal literacy issues in the workplace, work-based ESL training, training and development issues, etc.