Put It Away
This is enough for a family of four to six.
Each cup of masa will make between 4-6 Pupusas depending on how large you make them, so this will make about 16-24 Pupusas.
1/2 to 1 pound pork (I usually buy the cheapest boneless pork I can find. Sometimes it is in pieces, other times it is chops or steak. I use kitchen scissors to cut it into 2-3 inch chunks).
1-pound mozzarella cheese, grated (I buy the cheese at Sam’s or Costco’s in the large bags…of course I am not measuring, but I add twice as much cheese as meat. This is different from the Spanish, but people all testify that my Pupusas are the best).
Salt and pepper to taste
Traditional Spaghetti Sauce 1/4 cup (other flavors do not come out the same…you need the blandness of the Traditional…personally, I like Ragu the best. The cheap one from Aldi’s works well, too.)
Salsa 1/4 cup (I use my homemade salsa, but any will do, just blend it so it is smooth)
4 cups instant corn masa (Maseca*)
2 and 1/4 cups of water
1. I boil the Pork seasoned with only salt and pepper in a skillet with an inch of water covering the meat. I boil it until the water is gone and the meat is completely soft and white. Then I let it toast the meat on the bottom of the pan. Be careful and do not let it burn
2. I then put the meat in a food processor until all the meat is finely minced. You do not need liquids; in fact, the meat by itself is easier to process.
3. In a large bowl, add the mozzarella cheese to the meat mixture and mix the two together. After the cheese and meat are mixed, I add the spaghetti sauce and the blended salsa. I then mix these all together. You want the mixture to have some sauce to give it flavor and to just moisten it, but you do not want it to be wet or saucy.
NOTE: I never measure anything when I make Pupusas. I just cook whatever pork I bought, add almost double the cheese, and then add enough sauce and salsa to moisten the mixture.
4. In a separate large bowl, add the 4 cups of corn masa (Maseca) and add the 2 and 1/4 cups of water. Mix it for awhile, kneading it and then add a little trickle more of water at a time in order to get a cookie dough consistency or even slightly softer. Softer is better! However, not so soft, the dough sticks all over your hands. Very warm water works best.
*NOTE: Masa is made from corn that has been soaked in Lime (Hominy) then dried, then ground. It is different from corn meal or corn flour, which is ground corn. The Lime gives it a sticky and elastic quality, which is why tortillas and tamales are smooth and pliable.
Be sure to NOT buy tortilla flour or corn meal or flour. Make sure you buy corn masa. Maseca is the most common brand name, but I have used generic brands with equal success, and they are usually cheaper.
5. Heat the griddle or skillet to high.
NOTE: I have used cast iron skillets, but I actually prefer a good electric grill. I have two pancake grills from Wal-Mart that I set to 400 degrees and they do just fine. It is hard to keep the temperature perfect on cast iron.
6. Make two-inch balls out of the dough. Roll them smooth. This action makes them more pliable and makes a better tortilla.
Now you start to flatten and work the dough in a circular fashion as if you are going to make a corn tortilla. When you have a 3-4 inch bowl shaped tortilla, you fill it completely full of the meat and cheese mixture.
NOTE: This is where other people make their mistakes. They only put a little, so you are basically eating a corn tortilla with a tiny amount of meat and cheese in it.
I, on the other hand, like cheesy, meaty pizza. In addition, Pupusas are better too, with more cheese and meat.
7. Bring the edges of the tortilla up and pinch them closed. Just what you would do if you were making a meat pie or a tart.
Then pat the ball you have now between your hands into a circle shape and flatten it as you go. If some of the mixture oozes out, it will toast when you cook it and be extra good!
NOTE: I also learned from some Guatemalan girls to put a plastic bag on the counter and to put the tortilla on it to press it flat. Leave it about ¼ of an inch thick. If needed, add a little dough to openings and reshape. It does not need to be perfect.
Then pick up the flattened tortilla and use your first two fingers and your thumb to create a triangle to shape the edges of the tortilla.
8. I add a little bit of oil to the griddle or skillet (about the size between a dime and a quarter) so that the Pupusa will not stick and brown better. This should be done each time with each Pupusa.
NOTE: The Spanish women add enough masa as they do not want their Pupusa to crack, but as I add more chees and meat, mine crack and the sauce and melted cheese ooze out. However, as they cook, this toasts and wow is it good!
9. I actually wait to flip the Pupusas until they are golden brown or the filling comes boiling out. I then cook the other side until it is golden brown.
The first side takes longer to cook than the second side.
10. Cook on both sides and serve immediately or keep warm by wrapping them up in foil or a towel.
Tammy Making Pupusas
How to make PUPUSAS de El Salvador the Easy Way BEST
Find the Recipe Here! :) - http://www.organizeworkorhome.com/Pupusas.html Pupusas are homemade corn tortillas stuffed with meat and cheese. They are a typical ethnic food from El Salvador. They are y...
Curtido Topping
2 cups coleslaw salad
1 cup of white distilled vinegar
½ cup of ice water
1 tsp. of salt
1 tsp. of black pepper
1 ½ tsp. of oregano
1 tsp. of cayenne pepper or more if you would like!
Boil the coleslaw just enough to soften the cabbage, then rinse and drain it. Then in a bowl or large class jar add the coleslaw salad along with the vinegar and water. Add spices to the mix. Make sure the water covers it completely. Let it set 4-6 hours before serving. Drain well before serving so that it will not make your Pupusa soggy.
I personally, do not like Curtido so I do not make it.
I do take some of my salsa, though, and blend it, add cut up fresh cilantro and heat this salsa up. This is what I serve with Pupusas along with my refried beans.
Pupusas seem like a lot of work, but it is really just like homemade pizza. A few tries and you will have it down and besides, they are the best food in the world and there is not one restaurant that makes them the way I do.
You will absolutely love them!
Martha Stewart - Make Pupusa's from El Salvador.
martha stewart dedicated a special program to show how to make pupusas, pupusas is a typical meal from a Central America country El Salvador.Cocinando pupusas de El SalvadorMartha Stewart ...
This video gives you an idea of what to do. As I explained, I mix the meat, sauce, and cheese together first. That way you can make them quicker. Also, I add about twice as much mixture as they show in this video.
In this video, he flips the Pupusa too quickly. Let it ooze before you flip it!
making pupusas at Chicago's Pupuseria Las Delicias
Ceci Roman of Chicago's Pupuseria Las Delicias prepares mais and arroz pupusas for The Food Chain, the Chicago Reader's food and drink blog. Owner Hugo Gutierrez Jr. narrates.http://blogs.chicagorea...
In this video, he uses the plastic the way I do. Most people add oil to their fingers to oil the Pupusa, but I just pour a dime to quarter size droplet of oil on the griddle before I set the Pupusa down. This actually helps it to toast more and be extra yummy.