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Preparedness seminar, more on the tree house, busy, busy, busy..


Weeks go by, months go by, my summer is going by, and I still haven’t even finished what I wanted to accomplish during the spring. Oh well, I think we are all in the same spot; too little time and too many obligations.


I was in charge of a Preparedness Seminar for our church. Of course, I cannot do anything so-so. I have to do the best I can…almost to the point of being a perfectionist, but I definitely am not as bad as I used to be.


I like efficiency as much as perfection; therefore, I am willing to let some details go in order to get something done quicker.


We had about 20 different experts come; speaking on everything from disaster preparedness, canning, survival living, sour dough bread, 72-hour kits, herbs, gardening, food storage, cooking with wheat, and more.


My poor husband, Fito, took the day off work and took down our tipi, loaded it on the trailer, drove to the church, and set it up again for the seminar. When the seminar was over, he took it down again, loaded it up, took it home and had to unload it and put it away before a storm that had blown-in, rained.


It was over 100 degrees that day and humid. I will not ask him to do that ever again. (I had cooked for over 60 people for him several weeks ago…but the tipi was more work).


The seminar was incredible. The ladies who did the wheat and sour dough brought samples of bread, cinnamon rolls, donuts, sprouts, salsa, and more. The man who did the Dutch oven cooking had stew, cobbler, and more.


All the demonstrators had displays, information to handout, and were excellent.


The disappointing thing for me was that we only had, perhaps 80 people attend.


It had been advertised on the radio, online, in several newspapers. I had been interviewed by one radio station and they did public service announcements about the seminar.


I decided that it must have been because it was the hottest day so far this year (over 100) and a storm blew in…in the evening that kept people away.


I took a couple of hours yesterday and sent all the demonstrators thank you notes as they really went out of their way to help.











Tipi and Dutch Oven cooking at Preparedness Seminar.
















Preparedness Display.













72-hour kits.

My husband’s position at school was also eliminated, so I have spent countless hours playing secretary and sending his records and resume to schools.


Fito has continued working on the tree house. We bought windows and a door for the house he is building on the high platform.


This is going to be an amazing tree house!












There are different levels.









You can see he is adding a house on top of this platform.






He will add swings, monkey bars, etc. They swing on the ropes and land on the trampoline.












































Let’s see- I also bought a new pressure canner. It holds 14 quarts (yes, it is huge) and the lid has screws that tighten to hold it down eliminating the need for a rubber gasket (seal).


I have used it twice and really like it, although, when it is full, it is super heavy.


I had a free day during July 4 week and spent it cleaning my pantry. What a wonderful feeling. I absolutely love cleaning. There are few chores that bring such a wonderful feeling.


The more orderly and clean your house, the better you feel.


I have spent several evenings working on organizing my home office, but it is far from finished. I bought a new router, but it still doesn’t bring the Internet to the far side of the house. I was with a techie for almost 3 hours last night just trying to get the router to connect…


(and last night it stopped this weekend I have to figure out what is wrong...long sigh)


And earlier in the week, a virus attacked my computer and about drove me crazy until I finally found a spyware that eliminated it. I had to try several software before I even found one that even recognized or released what was in my system it was so stealth.


That was an extremely frustrating day. I got mad at Fito and had to apologize. Why is it that when we are mad at a complete stranger/ a computer virus / a problem or dilemma…we take out our frustration on those we are closest to; those whom we love?


What a horrible human trait.


I pray that we may be more loving to all with whom welcome in contact, but especially to our loved ones that should have our greatest honor and respect.


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