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New experiment.


We just keep getting sick. Now a stomach virus is going around. I guess that is to be expected. My husband works at a school in another town. I work at three different locations. Moreover, the four children are each in different schools. Statistically, we are doomed to bring something thing home and then we pass it among one another.


Felipe and David stayed home yesterday, and David was running a fever again. The doctor changed his antibiotic to something stronger. Today I have Elizabeth and Rebeca home.


David said that yesterday morning, that Papito, our parrot, kept making noises that were imitating the students at school. He said it sounded as though he was trying to carry on a conversation, then giggle as the girls…also many of the students sort of freaked out when they saw Papito at school and David said he even made noises such as the students getting excited.


He said it was so funny to hear him carrying on thus, while he had been so quiet at school and would not talk while he was there. I told the children it was because he is such a good bird and he knows you are to be quiet at school.


Yesterday, I was looking in the freezer, trying to decide what to make for supper when at the back I found some foil dinners. Foil dinners are used when you go camping and you put hamburger, cut up veggies, salt and pepper inside foil. Wrap it tight, and then put it in the coals to cook.


I had made theses in August for a camping trip, and then we had not used them. I went ahead and cooked them in a skillet with 3 cups of water, and then I added some Ragu to give them more moisture. I had already seasoned them and they had chunks of zucchini, potato, carrot, bell pepper, and onion.


The meat was a little dry and the potatoes had turned slightly brown, but everything else looked fine. Adding the water and Ragu, hid the brownness of the potatoes and the dryness of the meat.


The meal came out really well and we ate it with rice my cooking class had made.


I am teaching a cooking class on Monday nights at OCCC’s Family and Community outreach center. It is fun, because I do not give tests or homework and we visit during class and eat at the end of class. Now that is the kind of class to teach!


I also was cleaning out the fridge and there were some candied sweet potatoes and old bananas. I made them into bread with some apples added, too.


I used the apple/coconut bread recipe and boy did this bread come out moist with a good flavor.


I suspect that the melted brown sugar and maple syrup from the sweet potatoes made the difference. I am going to experiment until I figure out a recipe for this bread because it was really yummy.


The day I went to the school, David cooked the bacon for me as he talked me into staying the whole day at school with him. He then made scrambled eggs to go with the bacon.


I am going to be gone most of the day today as I have to go to a consulting job in the morning, then take my mom to her hair appointment, then I told some Spanish friends I would go translate for them in the afternoon. I also have to take Rebeca and Elizabeth sometime to the doctor.


Nothing sounds good right now for dinner, so I will decide later what to do. Have a great day!


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