I keep promising myself that I will blog more often so I will not have to try and play catch up, but here I am again...almost a week gone by.
Last Friday, I did a Business Communication Seminar for the college. They had received a grant through AT&T that was to be used for Leadership Development. The participants are all second language learners, but are in school or working on a vacation.
They were a great group. You could feel the energy coming from them. They have drive, desire, are humble, and therefore make great learners.
The Leadership Program they are in will run for six successive Fridays. I teach two of the Fridays in the afternoon.

Business_Communication_Proposal[1].docx (DOCX — 18 KB)
I thought I came up with a pretty interesting proposal, and I must say, the class was well received and we had some very interesting conversations.
My definition of communicating leadership goes beyond just the written or oral presentations. Just think lately, how many times someone has mentioned Donald Trump's comb-over (as if that would affect his ability to be a leader) and yet as humans we still judge by appearance.
I had to work late on Friday, then came home and caught up on things here.
Saturday, I took the girls to the Church's Easter activity which was very nice and had the right combination of fun and spiritual. Then we went to help pack up a lady that was moving.
When we arrived, it was obvious that she was not going to be packed by the time the men came in the evening to load her. I immediately called home and Maria, Travis, Ross, Felipe, and David came. Then Fito came as soon as he finished an errand in the city.
She had just gone through a divorce, but her ex was in the hospital so none of his things were packed. I started Rebeca and Elizabeth in his office. Showed them how to tape the boxes and how to use towels or linens to go around fragile stuff.
Then I soon realized she was not going to have enough boxes. I sent Ross back home to get the box of Contractor Trash bags. They are huge and can hold anything.
Everyone went to work. Fito and the boys loaded the van with the Ex's things as his items were going to storage. Travis and Felipe had to take the door off its hinges and take the legs off the couch to get it out of the room. It was a heavy hide-a-bed that kept opening and there wasn't any duct tape- to tape it closed. (Okay people, how can you live without duct tape?)
After we had his stuff packed and loaded, everyone went to help unload the van, and Ross, the girls, and I then moved all the boxes and small pieces of furniture to the garage. I then took bedding out of a bag and wrapped it around all the glass from different tables. I found masking tape and wound it around and around until the bedding was secure.
Another lady from church (who has moved a lot, too) showed up shortly after us and helped finish the packing. And another lady had been there earlier to help.
Well, when Fito and the boys came back, it only took them about an hour to reload the truck. We had already taken apart the bed, dismantled the washer, etc. And had everything ready to go.
We finished about 3:30 pm. And the men were to come at 4:00 pm. So we called everyone and told them not to come.
I love my crew! My husband has taught them how to work, and we both have taught them how to work quickly and efficiently. Many people I work beside do not know how to do so. It is really sad because they have to spend time on a task when they could spend that time on a passion.
When I got home I baked two cheese cakes, two pans of lemon bars, took the two hams out of the freezer, took all the stuff out of the pantry that I would need for the meal in the morning, etc.
I also had made beans for my Mom's birthday, but they were almost gone. However, there was still broth and it had ham bones in it. I found a package of small (I mean tiny) white beans from El Salvador, that I had bought to try. (They came out really yummy!)
I put those beans on to cook in the leftover broth, added more water and put them on to boil. I keep the pot covered while cooking the beans and they seem to cook quicker.
By this time my day was gone and I hadn't worked on my website, which had been my goal for the day.
Sunday morning, I arose early, made an arrangement of flowers for church, put the hams in the oven. I simply put the glaze on them after cutting off the plastic. Then I added about an inch of water to the roaster pan and put two layers of heavy duty foil on top and made sure it was an air tight seal all around the edges of the pan.
Then I do not open it until 3 -4 hours later. That way the moisture is trapped in and you do not have dry ham or turkey. If you do have to check, reseal the edges.
My neighbors gave us a 3 Crockpot burner yesterday. She had been given it as a gift and had never used it. I was anxious to try it out.
I put broccoli in one with cheese sauce. The second pot, I put cut up potatoes with parsley flakes, garlic salt, pepper, and about one cup of water.
The third pot, I put in two cans of sweet potatoes, 1/2 can of crushed pineapple, 1/4 cup of maple syrup, 1 Tablespoon of cinnamon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice. I drained the cans of sweet potatoes before I added them and then stirred everything. I then put about seven marshmallows on top, but they melted completely (I should've added them when I came back home).
I cooked the sweet potatoes and broccoli on low
We are gone three hours for church and when we came home, everything was cooked to perfection. I just had to get the beans out and bring them to a boil again.
It rained Saturday night and all day Sunday! What a blessing! We are in the middle of a severe drought. We have only had 1/2 a inch of moisture since November and were dry before that.
The wheat harvest did not make, ponds are dry, ranchers have had to sell cattle because they cannot feed them. Our lawn was still dry and had not really greened up.
We received about 2 inches which was great. We are still about 8 inches from normal, but that rain was a great blessing.
We had the missionaries at the house and it started hailing (about the size of golf balls). My cousin was on her way to our house and got caught in the rain and hail. She pulled over, and still came on anyway.
We are glad she came because we played Sequence and then Apples to Apples, both fun games. I then started a fire and we listened to music, then went to bed.
Monday, I worked in the morning and met Fito at Sam's for our big stock up. We only go about every six week, but when we do it is a chore. We had two carts full and we bought extra rice, oil, and sugar. The prices are already headed up and I encourage everyone to stock up on whatever you can.
Tuesday, I work all day and then Elizabeth had her school choir program. On the last song, they had a gentleman join them who plays the spoons (yes, I said spoons). I have seen people before, but never anyone like him. He was incredible! He used his leg, arms, head, elbow, fingers, and so on to create different sounds and rhythms. Very entertaining!