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Easter, Grandma's birthday, and more



Two weeks ago was Easter and Tony came home with a girl. We were all so excited to meet her and she fit in so well with the family. Whether or not she becomes a member of the family remains to be seen, but we all vote a definite YES!


I had been gone the weekend before on a trip to Utah and thus had been playing catch up all week. The laundry wasn’t done (and I might add) still isn’t done. I am still trying to get everything in order after 3 weeks of doing other things.


We had the church’s children’s Easter activity at our house on Saturday morning. I slept in and had the first people show up while I was still in the shower.


We had a craft, an Easter egg hunt, and then had hot dogs and hamburgers out on the grill. It went over well.


Fito and the boys have just about finished building a cover over the patio using some of the tile left over from doing the roof. It is a great place. Before, when you were on the Patio, it was in full sun in the day. Now, there’s shade. Fito also hung up 4 hammocks plus we have tables and chairs and it is just a great place to relax.


After the activity, Fito went to OKC on errands, others took naps or played games, and I worked to get everything ready for Pupusas and for Easter dinner. I also made PB Chews, which I hadn’t made for a while. They were a big hit. I had forgotten just how easy they are to make and just how addictive they are: you just can’t stop eating them!


When I made the mixture for Pupusas, I made enough for Saturday night dinner, plus enough to take to the school during the week to have a treat for Fito’s class.


Fito is a “New Comer” teacher. He has 18 students who are new to the US and do not speak any English yet. We made Pupusas for them and other staff members on Friday. I probably made more than 150 Pupusas in 3 hours (and then I was wondering why my back was hurting on Saturday).


Saturday evening, they all played Dance Revolution on the Connect and I blogged.


Sunday morning, I awoke early and made a Spanish Turkey. Then after church, I had the children peel potatoes. That way you could make a Bolio (Spanish Sub) or they could eat more American. I had thought Tony and Colette were leaving Monday, but she had to work on Monday, therefore, they needed to leave Sunday. I felt bad as I had blogged and not spent as much time with themas I should have.


I really didn’t cook as much as I usually do as I didn’t make any bread or even a ham. However, I did make Pupusas the night before and was tired.


Sunday afternoon, I finally took a nap-the first one in maybe 3 weeks and it was really needed.


Of course, that meant that I woke up at 5 am on Monday and couldn’t sleep. Again, another crazy week and I am still not caught up on things.


Monday after work, I had to meet with a lawyer about some paper work, and then Tuesday, Elizabeth had testing in the afternoon. When I went back to pick her up, they were not done, so I had to drive to my evening college class and had to send Fito to go back to OKC to pick her up. He was already home and had to turn around and head back to the city.


Wednesday, I was so tired of all the work and world, I called the children after my morning classes and said, “Do you want to go see a movie?” Maria was at the house, helping them with school. They met me at the theater and we saw, Mirror, Mirror. What a cute, fun movie. It’s great for the whole family.


Thursday, Ross said he was headed to Dallas, subsequently,David, Elizabeth, and Rebeca just had to go with him.


Fito and I enjoyed the weekend to ourselves. On Saturday, we went and did errands all day long, mainly looking for car parts (How fun…right?!?) I actually was sitting in the car many times, while he was looking for stuff.


Sunday, we had our in-laws over and had a nice meal and visit. Rebeca made cupcakes for everyone.


The next few days were full again. Tuesday after my class at tinker, I went out to my car and I had locked my keys in the car. I went in and was told that because of liability, security could not help me. I took a hanger outside and started trying to get in.


A gentleman saw me and started helping me. He had just moved here from Georgia. His family is still back there while they sell their house.


The hanger was not strong enough, so I went back in and another gentleman said he had a slim Jim in his truck. He came outside with me,handed the Slim Jim to the other man and he almost opened the door. You could hear it start to open, and then it would slip.


I finally told them that they had given me enough time and that they needed to go back to work. The first man handed the Slim Jim to the second man. He then went to the passenger door and opened the door.


We both looked at him and said, “Why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t you ask to try?”


He answered that the other man was so close to opening it, he just waited.


I made Poppy Seed bread that night to take the next day to thank them. I made 22 loaves. That way we could take it several places. Fito took some to his class. I took some to two different classes, to some supervisors, and to the two men that helped me open my car. I also made Lasagna.


Thursday, was my mother’s 81 birthday. I took her to her hair appointment, then out for Chinese Food. I also picked up some library books and visited a friend while she was in her appointment.


We had a nice afternoon together. In the morning, between classes, I had gone to an antique mall and bought her a beautiful new vase. It was Vaseline glass, which she really likes. It is glass from the early 1900’s that was made with uranium, thus, it has a glow to it. She was happy. My sister Shannon sent her a nice boutique of flowers.


Friday, I did not have to work. Yeah! I did all kinds of things around the house. Today, Saturday, was the same. I did not have to work and did not to do anything elsewhere. I cooked Turkey, mashed potatoes, corn and peas. Made some PB chews.


I slept in, went on a bike ride, painted, worked on my website, etc. It was such a wonderful, beautiful spring day. The lake is full from the last rains. Everything is green. The flowers are blooming. Rebeca cut flowers and made a boutique. There was a nice breeze, and I used an extension cord and sat outside on the patio all afternoon on the computer.


BTW, I added a new page to my website that is really interesting...All Over America...check it out!


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