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Cleaning day.

Friday, I slept in until 7:30 am. Elizabeth and Rebeca were ill and I knew they weren't going to school. Felipe and David got themselves off and on the bus.


I did some work on the computer, then put all 3 girls to work (my niece is here) cleaning the house. I made them go from room to room and pick up things that didn't belong there and put everything away.


Actually, all three are really good cleaners. I received some phone calls I had to take, and one was almost an hour. When I got off the phone, I let the girls stop and I started cleaning. I worked all day.


A Spanish friend came about 2 pm and helped me until 4 pm. She did the dusting, while I finished other cleaning.


I made mashed potatoes and hamburger gravy for supper.

I also made more P


I then went to Sam's as my mom was out of diapers. A few years ago when Rebeca was finally out of diapers, I thought, "Yeah! After 23 years of diapers. I am done".


Well I spoke too soon, because within one year, I had my mom with me and was back to buying careful what you say!


When I came home, Fito and I left to go to a dinner and speaker event in downtown OKC. It was phenomenal!


We came home and watched A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott. It is one of my favorites as it uses Dickens's words. That story always makes me contemplate about my life.


Saturday, I awoke about 8 am. It is Felipe's birthday today. He is 16. He won't be able to get his license until February as he has to have his permit so many months first.


I made waffles for breakfast and made Pupusas for dinner for his birthday. Fito and I also towed Maria's car to the mechanic. Thank goodness, he let me be the front car. My dad always made us be in the following car and if you hit the brakes too hard or jerked the rope he got really angry.


Fito doesn't get angry and he drove perfectly, so it went well. We helped her buy a car for $600. It doesn't work, but we will now find out why and how much its going to take to get it running. We have our fingers crossed.


Another day with lots of phone calls and business to take car of. I finished Northanger Abby and am now reading Persuasion by Jane Austin.


My friend is coming to eat with us, then her daughter will stay here and play with the girls while we all go to a church meeting tonight.

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