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Another day.


Yesterday, I arose at 5:30 am and went to wake up Felipe for his class. He was sick and wanted to stay home from school. As his grades are good and thus far he's only missed four days, I let him. (I knew he wasn't terribly ill).


Then I went to make breakfast. I made slushies, scrambled eggs and toast. My mom was awake so we got her to come down and eat with us.


To make slushies:


Fill your blender 2/3 full of ice.

Add 1 and 1/2 cup of frozen fruit. (We use all kinds. I also buy the old bananas when they are cheap. Take them home, peel them, put them in freezer bags to have for slushies and bread).

OR if you don't have fruit use 1/2 can of any frozen juice.

Add 1 cup of sugar. (You might add less if you have a smaller blender or use honey if you want to be healthier, although the taste is not the same).

Add 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream.

Fill the rest of the blender with water and blend.


I only fill it within 1 and 1/2 inches from the top or it will overflow and make a mess.

I also have an industrial blender (a Vitamix) which can blend anything to smooth perfection. I do not know how many blenders I went through before I finally got this stong, monster of a blender.


I wrote my blog, then took them to school.


I then got ready and went to work. I came home and worked on the computer all afternoon. I received an email and my husband's new teaching job needed him to go to HR and fill out some paper work. I let him know, he picked me up, we went there so he could do that then we went to Sam's to get some groceries.


Maria and Travis went to pick the others up from school. While we were at Sam's, Felipe and Travis made pizza, which I don't understand as there was still Bistek left from Sunday. My husband and I ate that with rice. We then put everyone to work to get the house straightened up and dishes done.


Douglas called and we all took turns talking to him, Ary, and trying to get Celeste to say Hola to us. She mainly kept hitting the buttons on the phone. Douglas was telling me of all the hard homework and projects and I was thinking, "Yea, I am done!! I don't have homework any more."


Only writing scholarly papers or business proposals, or business plans...I do have to concede, though, that the pressure is different and I am very glad to be done with school.

Though, I would like to go and take some fun classes like china painting or pottery.

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