Today I was in the nursery and I took three little girls to the bathroom. One of the little girls was in the stall, and announced, "I'm done."
I said, "That's good."
Then she said again, "I'm done!"
I went into the stall and she was bent over waiting for someone to wipe her.
As I was wiping her, she peered underneath the other booth and said to the other little girl, "I like your panties. They are very pretty."
Afterwards, we washed our hands and went back to the nursery.
It wasn't until we were back in the nursery that I realized that two of the girl's dresses were caught inside their panties.
Oh, the fun of the nursery.
Today, it rained again, all day. We are so happy for rain! We have been in the middle of a drought and any moisture is severely needed.
I took an arrangement today of Irises, Peonies, and Roses. It is so exciting to have flowers to cut and arrange. When we moved here, there were only purple and white irises, and no peonies or roses.
Now we have yellow, yellow and white, three purples, white, pink, peach, and maroon irises. We have two peonies that have bloomed so far, but it is usually several years before they are truly established.
As for the roses, Oklahoma is great for roses. We tried in Kansas, but with limited success. Some of our plants died last year, but this year I tried a new location and we will see.
Fito has been going crazy on gardening. He and the children have planted 25 tomato plants, 20 bell pepper, 20 jalapeno, he also has planted cabbage, potatoes, green beans, cauliflower, watermelon, cantaloupe, and a raspberry plant, and mulberries.
From last year, we had many of the herbs come back. We have cilantro, chocolate mint, mint, apple mint, lemon basil, chives, oregano, rosemary, lavender, and thyme.
I look a huge clump of lavender and rosemary last fall and separated them and replanted the smaller clumps along a walkway. It appears that most of them are going to make it.
We also have a small orchard started. We have apple, pear, peach, nectarine, and cherry trees. We have one vine that came back, but are not sure what they are. The grapes almost died last year, but have come back and are growing again. We also have a clump of rhubarb, and are hoping for production this year.
Fito extended the garden and lined one edge with rocks this past week. He also added sprinklers (in ground) and has done some more irrigation for the animals.
I'm not sure I want him to find a job...he does so much here...however, one of us needs a full-time job that has benefits as Benjamin has Diabetes and we need the insurance.
I made the Peanut Butter Chews today and added a tablespoon of cocoa to give it a little chocolate flavor. I think I like it better plain.
Yesterday, we went to the flea market and Fito bought a male peacock. Our female had been lonely as the male had died a while back. He is beautiful! (It is the male that has the beautiful long tail).
We are now looking for an old large satellite dish. A few weeks ago, we went to Oklahoma City to buy some guinea pigs from a gentleman. In his back yard he had mounted the old satellite dishes upside down on posts and then put mesh all the way around to make bird arbors.
The dishes make perfect roofs. Fito wants to make one for the peacocks and another one for our doves.
I also had made a new batch of beans on Thursday. I had bought the beans at an Indian store up in OKC. They look like a very small lentil. They are really good.
I also made rice milk Friday evening. The chicken are producing a lot of eggs so we eat rice, beans, and some type of egg, two - three times a week. Today, we had beans, fried eggs, Spanish Cream, and homemade salsa.
I know I still have many recipes to put on my web site. I keep hoping to catch up and have more free time, but I keep getting more work, and that means less time....but...yea!...more money.
Thursday night, Fito, my Mom, and I went to the Temple. We came home late and everyone was still awake. I do not know when that magic moment will come when they do things on their own.
Well look at me...I'm 50, and still struggling to make changes I know I need to make. I guess it is a constant battle our whole lives.