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A new member of the family.


I finally had a chance to come in here and blog. I checked to see when the last time I had written anything and it was on Monday. It feels as though it has been two weeks!


So much as happened this week! To start with, Monday evening, after I finished with the taxes, I went and had two more tires put on the Suburban. Now it has four new tires and drives better.


Then I went home, sent Felipe to the store for some items, ('s nice to have another driver) and cooked two large pans and four small pans of goulash.


I needed to take some meals to individuals this week and this was an easy way to have the task done. I didn't have enough cheese for all the pans, so I put them in the fridge covered with foil for present.


Then I took Rebeca to her choir concert. Fito has a class on Monday, therefore, he could not attend. I didn't feel like "stress" so I did not make any of the siblings attend.


Maria went and Matthew and Emallie were going to go, but weren't sure where it was. Well, it was great and Rebeca was so cute. She smiled and moved with the rhythm of the songs. I should have made everyone go!


I did record it, though, and will put a segment on here. Rebeca went home with Maria and after I arrived home, they called: "Mom! The Randalls have a friend that raises sheep and a ram was born yesterday, but the mom rejected it...can we have it....pleeeeeeeease?"


Of course, I said no.


Then Rebeca called and begged.


I said no.


Then Maria and Rebeca came home with the lamb.


We kept him.


He is toooooo cute! A lamb is everything you love about stuffed animals and cute little animated characters. He is sweet, cuddly, soft and fluffy, cries so pitifully, licks your arm, nuzzles against you, comes up to you and nibbles on you toes.


I also under stand the song, "Mary had a Little Lamb," as he follows you everywhere and cries if you leave his sight. He follows Elizabeth the most. He follows her if she walks to one side of the room to another. down the hall, into the bathroom. He follows you even if your outside.


Right now, he is lying at my feet, and his soft warm fur is against my ankles. Last night, Maria was watching a movie and he came in and took his foot and gently pawed her, signally that he was hungry and wanted to eat.


We are bottle feeding him. The people were using a large nipple (for calves) and a large water bottle, but we did not have much success with that. I had a baby's bottle I had kept (in case) and we used that. I made the hole a little larger and it has worked great.


Just as children that are so cute and entertaining to be around...there is work involved. Why is it that anything worthwhile involves work and sacrifice?


I have been feeding him at 6:00 am, though today, Elizabeth did it. Yesterday, I fed him and then took him to the bathtub and bathed him. He had diarrhea the previous day (I do NOT even want to comment about that day).


He loved the warm water and the blow dryer, and a fluffy clean little lamb is just too cute for description.


I was gone Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday all day. I had jobs from day break to evening. Maria has been watching him during the day, then the girls take care of him after school until bedtime.


Right now, he is chewing?/sucking on the metal handle of my file cabinet.


He is a Barbosa sheep which means he will have the round curved horns.


We haven't really decided on a name (you're welcome to send suggestions). I was calling him Rio. But then I said I would let whomever took care of him the most; name him.


Elizabeth has been calling him, Lambie, and she had done most of the work at night. Maria, did however, point out, that she should name him as she has been babysitting him during the day.


We will see what happens.


Since I had the concert on Monday, I moved my cooking class to Tuesday. We made Enchiladas and they came out really good. We made two large pans and one small one. I let the students take home the small one, we ate one large pan, and the other is in the freezer.


I know I need to make a video of the procedure. My students brought me brownies, a cute apron with a "T" monogrammed on it, and home made fresh salsa.


The salsa was excellent and she shared the recipe with me. Hopefully, as I get caught up, I will put it on the site.


We ate so well and enjoyed each other so much, I will miss our cooking together.


Wednesday evening, Fito and I went to the Temple, while Felipe took David and Elizabeth to the church. Maria stayed with Lambie and Rebeca.


Last night, Fito and I went to order some materials for the roof, then to the Spanish Meat Market, then home. I cooked 9 pounds of pork last night to have for tonight and Sunday.


Tonight is my husband's annual Cultural Night at the school. The student's have to prepare posters, presentations, information, and food from specific countries or cultures. It is like an International Fair and you walk around and see all the displays of the different countries and fill your plate with exotic foods from around the world.


I am making Pupusas. That means I need to prepare the mixture this morning, and then I will do the masa right before I leave for the school.


I also started the class at Tinker and my students are the best! They are educated professionals that have a desire to better themselves. They are respectful and value learning. I feel so sorry for my husband that daily faces cynical, rude, obnoxious students who are NOT respectful and do not value education.


I also helped my computer students (another class) learn how to make fliers this week and order free business cards online. You should have seen how excited and happy they were. Teaching and training are such fulfilling vocations.


Like parenting, it is neat to see the "light" come on inside an individual..


See Our Animals for pics












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