Put It Away
This video humorously shows the dilemma many people in business have:
What should I do?
What should I say?
How do I handle this client?
Do I sit down first?
Whom do I introduce first?
As with the other training sessions, I combine humor with media, group activities, fun, thought- provoking commentary, and education.
Silly Job Interview - Monty Python
Sketch do episódio 5: "Man's Crisis Of Identity In The Latter Half Of The Twentieth Century" do Flying Circus legendado.
George Washington as a young man kept a book in which he wrote down rules of civility. It is said he carried this book his whole life and added to it from time to time.
They are actually very observant of human nature and the mark of a refined individual.
Today many of these rules sound silly. It is easy to dismiss them as old fashioned and irrelevant, however, they are relevant in principle. For they all have in common a focus on other people rather than the narrow focus of our own self-interests that we find so prevalent today.
True etiquette is more than just manners.
Manners is graciousness, it is the small sacrifices that we should all be willing to make for the good of society and the art of working together.
Manners show our respect for others and in turn allow us to developself-respect and true self-esteem.
has always been
and will always be based on the principles of
respect or reverence,
In other words, being honest and having consideration for others, regardless of political, social, or cultural differences.
Many times when people are "being rude" it is a type of selfishness. They are talking only about themselves, or the topics they like, etc.
Watch these two videos and write down all the different ways she is being rude.
In training sessions, we do this in groups and it is always interesting that what one considers rude--another does not, but as opinions are shared--minds are enlightened and behavior changes.
Carrie Click: Click on...Etiquette - Part 1 (http://www.clickonetiquette.com/)
Click on...Etiquette teaches what industry professional journals fail to teach and begins where common sense ends: the ability to manage the complexities of human-to-human contact. With a fully develo...
Carrie Click: Click on...Etiquette - Part 2 (http://www.clickonetiquette.com/)
Click on...Etiquette teaches what industry professional journals fail to teach and begins where common sense ends: the ability to manage the complexities of human-to-human contact. With a fully develo...