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Does it ever slow down?

Saturday, November 27th, we ended up taking both the pickup and the Suburban with the lawn mower trailer and the 16 ft trailer. Fito and I made 3 trips each. The 16 ft trailers holds 2 pallets of tile and the mower trailer holds one, so we brought 9 pallets of tile home, which is approximately 15 squares.


They had stacked the tiles more carefully on the pallets and then loaded them onto the trailers with a forklift. That was a great help as all the loads except one were loaded by machine.


Of course, at home, we had to unload by hand, but we had friends and cousins visiting. All together we had an extra 11 people this weekend. The trailers got unloaded quickly. Elizabeth's little friend was helping and remarked that work was fun with so many people. I agree.


After we finished the trips, I finally had time to take care of my kitchen. I cleaned and did the dishes.  I deboned what was left of the turkey and canned 7 quarts of turkey broth. I also canned two pints of bell peppers. The leftover apple and coconut bread I had taken to the contractor and workers.


I pulled two bags of marinated chicken out of the freezer for Sunday's meal.


Sunday morning, I woke up early and made homemade waffles. While I was cooking the waffles, I did the dishes and washed the roaster pan and canner. I also washed the jars of broth and put them in the pantry. I cleaned the stove top and cut some roses for church. Everything else is gone. Winter is flowers are gone.


At church, I was teaching the three year-old class and we were just getting ready to play a game. I have two small beanie animals: a platypus and a frog. I line the children up and they take turns tossing the animals into the trash can. Before they can toss one of the animals, they have to answer a question about the lesson.


For example: if the lesson is on being helpful, they have to tell me something they can do to be helpful at home, at school, at play, with a brother or sister, etc. It just depends on the lesson and topic.


Well, yesterday, I had them all lined up and without warning, one little boy got violently sick. I thought of the trash can, but I had just taken the liner out of it for the game. However, in hindsight, I should have used it. I ended up cleaning up the mess and I had to spray the carpet again and again and use many paper towels to finally eliminate the smell.


After he lost it (three times), his poor little eyes were so distressed. He really had no clue what was happening. The other children's eyes, too grew big and worried. I grabbed him by the hand, told the class to follow me and we marched to the primary room.


Thank goodness, Maria was there. She is smart and quick to respond. She took the little boy, washed him up and then found a ride home for him and his siblings as they did not have an adult attending with them.


I left my class in the primary room and reported to clean up detail. To be honest, I love cleaning (of course...not that) but I love the sense of accomplishment, order, and peace that comes from cleaning. You can be so upset by something, but after you scrub, mop, dust, and vacuum, it is as though your troubles disappeared.


After church, I had to stay for a meeting. When Fito and I arrived home, my niece and Maria and Aunt Kathy had the kitchen done and dinner about ready! Wow! It is not very often that someone else cooks for me.


We had the missionaries for lunch so we had 19 people for lunch. I made 4 batches of slushies and two batches of the Peanut Butter Chews. I ran out of corn syrup after the first batch so I made the second batch with maple syrup. They both are good (and maple syrup is usually cheaper...).


I had to take Elizabeth to choir practice. This Friday our church is having a Christmas program and she is singing in the children's choir. I visited with one of the Spanish ladies that was still at the building. We talked about food and she gave me a recipe for a potato salad (from Venuzuela) that she makes. It is the best potato salad in the world. I will try to get it on my site later this week.


I came back home and my niece tried on some clothes that I had bought at a resale shop that were on sale. She ended up with several nice outfits. A friend at church had also brought me some of her clothes and I tried those on. Two outfits will work and are really cute. I took them to be altered today (Monday) and Aunt Kathy took the others to a friend in Dallas.


Douglas and Ary called and told me all kinds of cute things Celeste is doing. Also, how smart she is (of course). Ary and I talked until 2 in the morning. Oh, how I wished they lived closer. She is so sweet and such a good wife and mother. But I know it is good that she is near her family. She comes from such an incredible family.


I woke up today, Monday, November 29th, and remembered the donuts. Oh no...we had forgotten to cancel the order today. When I called, they had already started on the order. I went to pick them up. The dilemma is that today, Blanchard did not have school. It was a professional day for the teachers.


I ended up driving around town selling the boxes of donuts to businesses. It took me 3 and 1/2 hours to sell them all. Auugh! Then I went home and took Elizabeth to the doctor. I then came home and took David to the ortho doctor for his 6 week check up from his broken hand.


I then drove to Norman and I dropped off clothes at the dry cleaners, the outfits for alterations, went to Sam's for groceries. David just stayed in the car and read. We then went to JC Penny's to get David a suit. He gave his old suit to his cousin's yesterday as he had outgrown it. They had the suits for half price. I paid $56 dollars for the pants and jacket. Yea!


We went home and unloaded everything. I tried to print something and realized I bought the wrong size cartridge. I called Sam's and they said they would take it back, even opened, as long as I had the receipt. (yea for Sam's). I went back to Sam's immediately. Rebeca went with me.


We stopped to get gas at the Shell where Matthew works. She is so cute and gets excited each time she sees him. Little princess sisters are such a joy!


We went to Sam's and made the exchange. I then let her look at the toys and we went home. She fell asleep on the way home. She told me she doesn't feel good. Oh I hope we don't get the stuff that is going around.


I came in here to work and answer emails. It looks as though Tinker accepted the business proposal I wrote (Double Yea!), we will meet this week to work through some of the details.


There is a job I saw online at Devon Energy. It is a Learning and Development Specialist. From the description, it sounds perfect for me. It is what my training and education prepared me for. It is right in my area of specialization and they have a philosophy that I really respect.


My dilemma is that I am not sure how I could possibly work full time and take care of home, children, my mom, church, etc. I would definitely have to pay someone to come and watch and help my mom.


We will see what happens and choose the best fit. Right now...I am going to eat and relax!

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