Life keeps going on. I still am working about 20 hours per week and playing contractor, wife, mom, daughter and so on.
I bought an antique closet and put it in my mom's bathroom and put all the blankets in it. I then brought down the cedar chest from the girl's room and put the more delicate things in it.
That left me several shelves free in my mom's closet to use for pantry items. I moved all the home canned items to her closet and little by little I have been reorganizing and cleaning the main pantry.
It also appears that we will have enough insurance money left over after the roof and stucco are done that we will be able to redo the kitchen. That is exciting! I have already put a down payment to hold a stove and double oven.
I have gone to look at sinks and tile, but have not decided exactly what I want.
The weather has been perfect, not hot, nor cold. We have been enjoying it immensely.
This past weekend, the four younger children went to Dallas for the weekend to be with their cousins. I had to work until 7 pm on Friday, but I came home all excited hat Fito and I were alone for the evening (my mom is here...but she is in her section at the other end of the house).
I had just finished eating when my brother-in-law from Ohio called and was in town for a trucking job and wanted to spend the night. He is a great guy so I told him to come and then called Maria so she could come and show him the new baby.
We had a nice visit....I told Fito it is our Karma to never be alone...this always happens when we try or plan a night out.