Now, I am getting ready for Tony and Colette's wedding. I am cooking for 200 one night and 50 the next day, but this will be in Washington state far a way from my kitchen...oh dear.
Then about 2:00 AM one night (when I couldn't sleep for thinking of all the things that I have to do) it occurred to me.
I can make the Pupusa Meat, the Taco meat, and the Spanish Turkey here, then put it in big ice cream tubs, freeze it, then ship it with dry ice to Washington. (Feeding a crowd).
That way when I get there the hardest part is already done. We will only have to set out everything for pile-ons and Bolios. And making Pupusas on Saturday will be much easier with the mixture already done and ready for me.
I just need to compile a list for each meal and send it to Colette's mom so she can have everything ready for me when I arrive.
The thing that concerns me the most is I have taught cooking classes before and know how easy it is to think you have everything you need then to get there and realize that you forgot the spatula or that one spice.
Oh well, we will make do and just do our best. I also just sent Colette a bunch of pictures of Tony from his childhood for the reception. Oh my, that brought back so many happy memories. Fito and I sure had a good time with our house full of children.
And now I have cute little grandchildren to bring me happiness, but I don't have to do the majority of all the work. Cool!
And we are so happy for Colette and Tony! Now only 5 more children to get married...
Some of my cute grand babies: